pyhiinvaellus |
Kirjoittaja: Teemu Mantsinen
Bell, Claudia & John Lyall 2002. The Accelerated Sublime: Thrill-Seeking Adventure Heroes in the Commodified Landscape. Teoksessa Simon Coleman and Mike Crang (toim.), Tourism: Between Place and Performance, 21–37. New York: Berghahn Books.
Cohen, Erik 1992. Pilgrimage and Tourism: Convergence and Divergence. Teoksessa E. Alan Morinis (toim.), Sacred Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage, 47–64. Westport: Greenwood Press.
Coleman, Simon 2001. Pilgrimage. Teoksessa International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 17, 11445–11448. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Coleman, Simon & John Eade (toim.) 2014. Reframing Pilgrimage: Cultures in Motion. London: Routledge.
Coleman, Simon & John Elsner 1995. Pilgrimage: Past and Present in the World Religions. Lontoo: British Museum Press.
Della Dora, Veronica & Heather Walton & Alessandro Scafi 2015. Christian Pilgrimage, Landscape and Heritage: Journeying to the Sacred. New York: Routledge.
Di Giovine, Michael A. 2011. Pilgrimage: Communitas and Contestation, Unity and Difference – An Introduction. Tourism 59 (3), 247–269.
Eade, John and Michael J. Sallnow (toim.) 1991. Contesting the Sacred. London: Routledge.
Mantsinen, Teemu T. 2020. Pilgrimage as a Reproduction of Sacred Landscape in Finnish Karelia and the Russian Border Zone. Temenos 56 (1), 7–31.
Mantsinen, Teemu T. & Kyyrö, Jere 2017. Ritualisaatio historiallisen Raja-Karjalan ortodoksisissa ristisaatoissa. Uskonnontutkija, 6 (1).
Morinis, E. Alan (toim.) 1992. Sacred Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage. Westport: Greenwood Press.
Norman, Alex & Carole M. Cusack 2014. Religion, Pilgrimage, and Tourism. London: Routledge.
Turner Victor & Edith Turner 1978. Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture: Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Columbus University Press.
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