Ympäristösanakirja Endic: Lähteet

    Tieteen termipankista

    A = Allaby, M. Macmillan Dictionary of the Environment. 4th Edition. Macmillan Reference Books, 1994.
    AO = Avfallsordlista. Stockholm, TNC 62, 1977. 210 s.
    APD = Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology. Edited by Christopher Morris. 1992, 2432 p.
    B = Brackley, P. Energy and Environmental Terms: A Glossary. Gower, 1988. 188 p.
    BP = Ewies, J.B., Ergas, S.J., Chang, D.P.Y., Schroeder, E.D. Bioremediation Principles. WCB, McGraw-Hill. 1998. 296 p.
    BS = Biologian sanakirja. Uudistetun laitoksen 1. painos. Rauno Tirri et al. Otava, Keuruu, 2001. 888 s.
    BSIC = The Baltic Sea Ice Code. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. 45 p.
    BTS = Biotekniikan sanasto. Helsinki, 1944. 37 s.
    C = Collins English Dictionary. Millennium Edition. 1998. 1786 p.
    DB = Thain, M. and Hickman, M. The Penguin Dictionary of Biology. 9th Edition. Penguin Books, 1996. 665 p.
    DCE = Scott, J.S. The Penguin Dictionary of Civil Engineering. 4th Edition. Penguin Books, 1991. 534 p.
    DE = Allaby, M. Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. 1998. 440 p.
    DEQ = Definitions from Eurostat & OECD waste questionnaire 2003.
    DES = Dictionary of Earth Science. Ed. in Chief Sybil P.Parker. McGraw-Hill, 1997. 468 p.
    DEES = Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A., Clark, P.F. A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. Cambridge University Press, 1985. 298 p.
    DG = Keary, P. The New Penguin Dictionary of Geology. Penguin Books, 1996. 366 p.
    DR = Draft Regional Strategy for Integrated Waste Management. Final Report 1 August 1991. 22 p.
    DST = Dictionary of Science & Technology. Wordsworth Reference, 1995. 1008 p.
    E = Pfannkuch, H.-O. Elsevier's Dictionary of Environmental Hydrogeology, 1990. 332 p.
    EaE = Collin, P.H. Dictionary of Ecology and the Environment, 1988. 197 p.
    EDA = Eurodicautom: http://europa.eu.int/eurodicautom/Controller
    EE = Eesti Entsüklopeedia. Köited 1–13. Valgus, Tallinn, 1985–2003
    EEA = EEA multilingual environmental glossary: http:/glossary.eea.eu.int
    EKT = Eesti kiirguskliima teatmik (Handbook of Estonian Solar Radiation Climate). Koost. Viivi Russak ja Ain Kallis. Tallinn 2003. 384 lk.
    ENE ► EE
    EPA = http://www.epa.gov/OCEPA terms
    EPE = Eesti Põllumajandusentsüklopeedia. 1. köide. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, 1998. 343 lk.
    EPR = Eesti punane raamat. Tartu 1998. 150 lk.
    ERA = Ecological Risk Assessment. Editor and principal author Glenn W. Suter II. Lewis Publishers, 1993. XIV. 538 p.
    ES = Jones, G., Robertson, A., Forbes, J., Hollier, G. Environmental Science. Collins Reference Dictionary, 1990. 473 p.
    ESD = Gilpin, A. Dictionary of Environment and Sustainable Development. John Wiley and Sons. 1996. 247 p.
    ESH = Environment, Safety and Health Thesaurus/Dictionary. U.S. Department of Energy. DOE/EH-0186, 1991. 510 p.
    ESS = Eesti kirjakeele seletussõnaraamat I 1–VI 3. Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, Tallinn, 1988–2003
    ET = Porteous, A. Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology. Open University Press, 1991. 399 p.
    FMR = Grönvall, H. Kalliosaari, S., Leppäranta, M., Seinä, A. WHO:n merijään terminologia (Suomi). Finnish Marine Research 254 (1987), pp. 65–93
    G = Glossary: Water and Wastewater Control Engineering. APHA, ASCE, AWWA, WPCF, 1969. 387 p.
    GB = Glossary for chemists of terms used in biotechnology. Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol.64, No.1, 1992, pp. 143–168
    GG = Goulty, G.A. A Dictionary of Landscape. Avebury Technical, 1991
    GH = Shuh-Shiaw Lo. Glossary of Hydrology. Taipei 1992. 1794 p.
    ID = Multilingual Technical Dictionary on Irrigation and Drainage. English-French. Revised and Updated Ed. ICID, 2002
    IGH = International Glossary of Hydrology. WMO - UNESCO, 1992. 413 p.
    IKS = Helminen, J., Peltonen, T., Ruosteenoja, K., Bremer, P. Ilmatieteellinen käsitesanakirja. IL, Hki, 1995. 137 s.
    IMV = International Meteorological Vocabulary. WMO - No. 182, 1992. 784 p.
    IUCN = IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 3.1, 2001. 30 p.
    JL = Jätelaki (3.12.1993/1072)
    JS = Jäätmeseadus. 2004
    Kel = Keller, Edward A. Environmental Geology. 6th Ed. McMillan Publ. Co., 1992. Glossary: pp. 501–509
    KS = Pienimäki,M., Kalliokuusi, V. Kompostisanasto, Terminfo 3/1995, s. 3–8
    Lar = Dictionary of Science and Technology (Larousse) I, II. English-Estonian. Tallinn, 1997. 845+816 p.
    LKS Looduskaitseseadus. 2004.
    LS = Lexicon silvestre. Prima pars. Dictionary of Forest Affairs. English Part with Definitions. Förderverein "Lexicon silvestre" e.V. Eberswalde 1997. 125 p.
    LsL = Luonnonsuojelulaki (20.12.1996/1096)
    MD = Concise Medical Dictionary. 4th Ed. Oxford University Press, 1996. 719 p.
    ML = Mereleksikon. Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, 1996. 590 lk.
    Mpo = Maa- ja pohjavesisanasto. Vesihallituksen julkaisuja 18. Helsinki, 1976. 142 s.
    MS = Maapõueseadus. 1994
    NGH = Nordic Glossary of Hydrology. Ed. I. Johansson. Stockholm, 1984. 143 p.
    OD = Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Sixth Edition, Edited by Sally Wehmeier. OUP, 2000. 1600 p.
    NSK = Nykysuomen sanakirja. Muuttamaton kansanpainos. Osat I–VI. WSOY, Porvoo 1980 (1965).
    Pm = Nõuded prügilate rajamiseks, kasutamiseks ja sulgemiseks. Keskkonnaministri 26. juuni 2001.a määrus nr 34.
    PSK = Suomen kielen perussanakirja. Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja 55. I-III, Hki 1990–1994.
    Québ = Grande dictionnaire terminologique. Office québécois de la langue française. www.granddictionnaire.com
    RAC = Risk assessment of chemicals. Ed. C.J. van Leeuven and J.L.M. Hermens. Kluwer Acad. Publ. 1996
    RHW = Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. Second Edition. NY, 1998. 2230 p.
    SB = Björklund,S. Suomalais-venäläisen jätehuoltosanaston laatiminen. Pro gradu-tutkielma. Helsingin yliopisto, 1999.
    SS = Smith, Paul G., Scott, John S. Dictionary of Water and Waste Management. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. 439 p.
    SW = Patrick, P.K. Glossary on Solid Waste. World Health Organization, 1980. 92 p.
    SWM = 1000 Terms in Solid Waste Management. ISWA 1992. 253 p.
    TL = Tehnikaleksikon. “Valgus”, Tallinn, 1981. 655 lk.
    V = Vollmer, E. Encyclopaedia of Hydraulics, Soil and Foundation Engineering. Elsevier, 1967. 364 p.
    VH = Veatch, J.O., Humphrys, C.R. Water and Water Use Terminology. Thomas Printing & Publishing Co., 1966. 375 p.
    VKK = Vedenkäsittelyn käsikirja. KEMIRA KEMI AB. (Handbook on Water Treatment. Handbok i vattenvård.). 1990
    VL = Võõrsõnade leksikon. Koost. E. Vääri, R. Kleis, J. Silvet. Parandanud ja täiendanud Eduard Vääri. Kuues, uuendatud trükk. “Valgus”, Tallinn, 2000. 1072 lk.
    VS = Veeseadus.1996 WE = Nelson, A., Nelson, K.D. Dictionary of Water and Water Engineering. London, Butterworths, 1973. 271 p.
    WNE = Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary. Könemann, Cologne, 1993. 1787 pp.
    WG = Weather Glossary. Compiled by Alfred H. Thiessen. U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau. 1946. 299 p.
    WSI = WSOY:n Iso Tietosanakirja. Osat 1–10. Porvoo 1995...1997
    WWD = Water Words Dictionary. http://www.state.nv.us/enr/ndwp/dict-1/waterwds.htm
    ÕS = Eesti keele sõnaraamat. ÕS 1999. Eesti Keele Sihtasutus. Tallinn, 1999. 1040 lk.
    YO89 = Saarela, J. et al., Kaatopaikkojen lopettaminen. Ympäristöopas 89, Suomen ympäristökeskus, Hki 2001. 109 s.
    YS = Ympäristösanasto. TSK 27. Tekniikan sanastokeskus. Gummerus, Jyväskylä, 1998. 163 s.
    ÖL = Ökoloogialeksikon. Koost. V. Masing. Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, 1992. 320 lk.