Uskontotiede:sociala medier
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Skribent: Sofia Sjö
Campbell, Heidi & Tsuria, Ruth (red.) 2022. Digital Religion: Understanding Religious Practice in Digital Media. New York: Routledge.
Gillespie, Marie, Herber, David Eric John & Greenhill, Anita (red.) 2013. Social Media and Religious Change. Berlin: DeGruyter.
Hutchings, Tim 2017. Creating Church Online: Ritual, Community and New Media. New York: Routledge.
Evolvi, Giulia 2018. Blogging My Religion: Secular, Muslim, and Catholic Media Spaces in Europe. London: Routledge.
Illman, Ruth & Sjö, Sofia 2015. Facebook as a Site for Inter-religious encounters: A Case Study from Finland. Journal of Contemporary Religion 30 (3), 383–398.
Johns, Mark D. 2012. Voting "Present": Religious Organizational Groups on Facebook. I Cheong, Pauline Hope, Fischer-Nielsen, Peter, Gelfgren, Stefan & Ess, Charles (red.), Digital religion, social media and culture: perspectives, practices and futures, 151–168. New York: Peter Lang.
Lövheim, Mia 2011. Young women’s blogs as ethical spaces. Information, Communication and Society 25 (2), 338–358.
Moberg, Marcus & Sjö, Sofia Sjö (red.) 2020. Digital Media, Young Adults, and Religion: An International Perspective. London: Routledge.
Taylor, Yvette, Falconer, Emily & Snowdon, Ria 2014. Queer youth, Facebook and faith: Facebook methodologies and online identities. New Media & Society 16 (7), 1138–1153.Erikieliset vastineet
sociala medier | ruotsi (svenska) |
Käytetyt lähteet
Burgess&Marwick&Poell2017, Moberg&Sjö&Lövheim2020
Lähdeviittaus tähän sivuun:
Tieteen termipankki 11.3.2025: Uskontotiede:sociala medier. (Tarkka osoite: medier.)