Clean Energy Research:wind climate
wind climate
wind climate |
Määritelmä (en)
The annual variability of the wind speed and direction calculated over a long period of time (several years).
Selite (en)
Wind climate is the sum of the weather at a place over a specific period of time, usually several year. The wind climate of a location is the long term pattern of the wind in a specific site, region or country. The meso climate is the climate of a country of a region, and the macro climate is the large-scale climate pattern on the earth, continents or parts of continents. The local wind climate is the climate within a limited area that may be a coastal zone, a forest or a field. It is the most important for a wind power developer to have a good information about the local wind climate.
Erikieliset vastineet
tuuli-ilmasto | suomi (suomi) |
Käytetyt lähteet
ProdofFinWindAtlas2011, Earnest2014
Lähdeviittaus tähän sivuun:
Tieteen termipankki 18.12.2024: Clean Energy Research:wind climate. (Tarkka osoite: Energy Research:wind climate.)