Clean Energy Research:weather forecasting

    Tieteen termipankista

    weather forecasting

    weather forecasting
    Määritelmä (en) The prediction of future weather for a place and over a specified time period, based on knowledge of meteorological principles and processes, and information about current and recent weather conditions.
    Selite (en) Weather forecast asses the future state of the atmosphere with respect to precipitation, clouds, winds, and temperature. Such assessments are usually made by government or private meteorologists, often using numerical simulations. Such simulations are the result of representing the atmosphere mathematically as a fluid in motion.

    Erikieliset vastineet

    sään ennustaminensuomi (suomi)

    Käytetyt lähteet

    WindFieldPredCoastal2007, CoastalWindsAndLowLevelJets2005, AMS, ParkC2007


    Lähdeviittaus tähän sivuun:
    Tieteen termipankki 18.12.2024: Clean Energy Research:weather forecasting. (Tarkka osoite: Energy Research:weather forecasting.)