First steps

Tieteen termipankista
Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta Aluksi, ja käännös on 14 % valmis.
Vanhentuneet käännökset on merkitty näin.
Muut kielet:

1. Create your user name.

2. Contact the administrator ( to inform which expert group you want to join, and ask for a recommendation from a member of the expert group. If there is not expert group in your subject field you can establish one.

3. Check out our Conference page to learn about the principles of the Term Bank.

4. Familiarize with the concept pages in your subject field. The link to the pages of the subject fields can be found on the front page and the left bar.

5. Once you have become a member of an expert group, you can freely edit the existing concept pages in your own subject field or create new ones.